Here’s a quick practical Voiceover work tip for you..
If you’re editing a recording, you’ve got a few takes of lines in there and you need to deliver a nice edited version to your client..
Start at the end and work backwards!
This may sound a bit daft but it’s so much quicker.
I bet that when you record you might have a few goes at some of the lines and when you are happy you move on to the next?
How would it be if this version you are happy with was the first one you play back rather than the last one?
This means that when you edit, all the takes you are happy with are to the right hand side of the edit and as you work backwards, in small chunks, you are adding to the “good pile”.
You will see the shapes of the takes you don’t want more easily – and will be able to do a quick check audibly before you can take out the 5 versions of that line that went horribly wrong and are for your ears only!
Then you’ve quickly moved onto the last good version of the line before etc.
For me, this compilation of the best takes, is my “first pass”, I’ll then run it forward, make sure it makes sense in terms of pace and flow goes (you can add and remove pauses for this). Then, if it needs it, I’ll clean the file and de-breath it as required.
Backwards editing is actually the err… way FORWARD!